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AquaSparkle Spa Multifunctional Chlorine 20g Tablets

  • AquaSparkle Multifunctional Chlorine Tablets should be dosed via a floating dispenser.
  • When set up correctly your floating dispenser will dispense the correct amount of chlorine into the spa to maintain the ideal level between 3.0 to 5.0mg/l and all you need to do is top up the floating dispenser with new tablets as and when required.
  • This makes maintaining the sanitiser level in your spa very straightforward.
  • When using a floating dispenser remember to remove it from the spa and place it on a non-bleachable surface while people are bathing.
  • 20g Tablets
£16.80 £14.00
In stock
1 Kg
  • Buy



  • 6+



  • 12+



  • Delivery within 1 to 2 working days

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AquaSparkle Multifunctional Chlorine Tablets should be dosed via a floating dispenser. When set up correctly your floating dispenser will dispense the correct amount of chlorine into the spa to maintain the ideal level between 3.0 to 5.0mg/l and all you need to do is top up the floating dispenser with new tablets as and when required.

This makes maintaining the sanitiser level in your spa very straightforward. When using a floating dispenser remember to remove it from the spa and place it on a non-bleachable surface while people are bathing.
Please note Spa Multifunctional Chlorine Tablets are designed to maintain chlorine levels (as they are slow dissolving), so before using them the correct chlorine level should be established using AquaSPArkle Spa Stabilised Chlorine Granules.

AquaSparkle Spa Multifunctional Chlorine 20g Tablets

General Precautions
- Wear eye and face protection and ensure granules are not blown back into your face.
- Never mix with other chemicals including household cleaners as a dangerous reaction may occur.
- When pre-dissolving always add product to water and not vice versa.

- Handle products in a well ventilated area - preferably outdoors.
- Wash hands after use.
- Ensure chemicals do not become damp in storage - store in a cool dry place.

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